11 Myth and Facts About PC or Laptop

Zals Tech - Often we meet or hear statements about computers from our friends or relatives who don't know where they came from. Sometimes we confuse ourselves with these statements, whether they are true or just a myth.

Many of us are also debating this, because these myths are already widespread throughout the universe, hehehe .. To eliminate your curiosity, this time I will discuss about these statements complete with answers and analysis. Let's just discuss one by one.

Myths and Facts About PC or Laptop

1. Refresh Before Shutting Down or After Turning On PC

This has become a hereditary habit taught by our friends, relatives, or close relatives. Honestly, today I still do it although not as often as before. Why? because the refresh function on the desktop screen is to update shortcut files or folders on the desktop display and this has no effect at all when turning on / off the PC let alone PC performance.

So it's only needed occasionally when we change/move/delete files on the desktop, there's no need to overdo it, let alone pressing the F5 key too much. Hey, who's still like that? Hehehe..

2. Windows Automatic Updates Are Bad

I don't know where these people get the inspiration to make statements like this. What is clear is that updating is a good thing and is very much needed. This keeps your Windows up to date, especially in terms of security.

Indeed in some cases, the update makes the PC worse. However, it definitely won't last long because Microsoft will definitely continue to improve so that your Windows runs well.

3. Empty the Recycle Bin to Improve Performance

Emptying the recycle bin will certainly free up space on the hard drive, but where does the performance increase come from? If you empty the recycle bin and then do a defrag, then you will feel the real impact of an optimized hard drive.

4. Bigger RAM Faster

In fact, having more RAM doesn't hurt. However, what must be considered is regarding Single, Dual, Triple, or Quad Channel and the frequency of RAM speed (Mhz). If you have 12GB triple channel RAM and 16GB dual channel, 12GB RAM will be faster.

And if you have 8 GB 1333 Mhz RAM and 8 GB 1600 Mhz RAM, then the one with the higher frequency is better. So, RAM performance is not only determined by the size factor, but there are other factors such as channel and frequency.

5. Replacing a New Harddisk will Speed ​​Up Performance

Replacing the hard drive with a new one may be one way of speeding up computer performance that is correct, but not entirely true. What you need to pay attention to is the speed of your hard drive.

The unit of hard drive speed is RPM, the higher the RPM of your hard drive, the faster the computer's performance. So if you buy a hard disk with a smaller RPM, even though the size is bigger, it will actually make your computer work slower. Or if you are still in doubt, you can replace your hard drive with an SSD (Solid State Drive) for maximum performance.

6. Laptop Battery on Charge Will Continue to Be Damaged

Many laptop users think that leaving a laptop with a battery on continuously will shorten the life of the battery. Yet the reality is not like that. leaving the laptop charged without removing the battery will not damage or affect battery life because every battery on a laptop is designed in such a way that when the battery is full or 100%, the battery will stop receiving energy and the energy supplied from the adapter will be bypassed directly to the system. laptop power supplies.

However, there are certain conditions where you have to remove the battery, which is when the laptop emits excessive heat. For example, when the laptop is used for continuous heavy work such as running heavy games. Because the heat will also heat the battery, which can then damage the battery.

7. Removing the Battery While Playing Games

Just like the previous point, if the battery is hot it will damage or shorten the battery life. The laptop will get hotter when running heavy games. So, there are those who think that laptop batteries must be removed when playing games or heavy work, I do not completely agree with that statement. Why? because power only depends on electricity from the adapter, and when the power goes out, the laptop will immediately die and can harm the hardware inside.

The solution is to use a UPS, so when the power goes out we can still save work and turn off the laptop according to the procedure. It also depends on you, whether you want to use UPS or use batteries. What is clear is not recommended removing the battery without using the UPS.

8. Laptop Batteries Must Be Discharged or Fully Charged Before Storing It For Long Time

Many people think that laptop batteries must be discharged or fully charged before storing or not using them for a long time. This is a mistake. If the battery is stored in a fully charged state, then the energy released is no longer as much as it is stored when it is used again.

Meanwhile, if it is emptied, the next possibility is that the battery will not be able to be fully charged when charging it again. In conclusion, either way will still reduce battery capacity. The correct way is to charge the battery until it is about 40% charged before storing it.

9. Laptop must be charged for 12 hours the first time

This is a myth because of the nature of the battery itself. Nickel-Cadmium batteries do need to be fully recharged, or they will lose capacity. While laptops that exist today almost all use Lithium-ion batteries, and these batteries can be partially recharged (partially) without losing capacity.

Another reason is that even with the slowest charging time, the battery will be fully charged after about 6 hours. In reality, it is best to use the laptop battery until it runs out before charging it for the first time. Remember yes, only for the first time.

10. All Laptop Adapters of the Same Brand are Compatible

Another mistake that some people make is assuming that all laptop adapters of the same brand are compatible, even different brands. Each adapter has specific specifications made for the laptop it is sold with. If you use another adapter, the current may be lower, which can cause damage to the hardware or the laptop itself.

Meanwhile, if the current is too high, it will "bake" the laptop hardware. So, not every adapter is compatible with all laptops, even if they are made by the same manufacturer.

11. Don't Close the Laptop Screen Immediately After Turning It Off

This statement is true although not completely true. In some cases, such as using the laptop for heavy work (such as gaming, rendering, etc.) will cause the temperature on the laptop to increase.

As a result, if the screen is immediately closed while the laptop is still hot, it is feared that it will damage the laptop screen/monitor itself. Although the probability is quite small. If you want to be safe, wait until the temperature of your laptop drops (if it's hot) then close the screen

Those were some myths and facts along with their enlightenment, hopefully, you can be smarter in sorting and choosing which ones are myths or facts. If you have questions or have myths/facts that have not been mentioned, please discuss them together in the comments column below.

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