Definition and Types of Stop Motion

Zals Tech - Stop Motion is an animation technique for making physically manipulated objects appear to move by themselves. The object is moved bit by bit in each frame to be photographed, creating the illusion of movement as the series of frames is played in continuous succession.

Judging from the name, stop motion animation means animation formed from stopped movements. These movements are then recorded into frames and assembled for each movement so that it becomes an animation.

Movable dolls/toys or clay figures are often used in stop motion because of the ease with which they move and restore. Stop Motion animation that uses clay is called clay animation or clay mation.

History of Stop Motion

The stop-motion animation technique was first discovered by Stuart Blakton in 1906, namely by drawing the facial expression of a cartoon character on a blackboard, then taking the picture using a still camera, then erasing it to draw the next facial expression. This stop-motion animation technique is often used in visual effects for films in the 50-60s era even today.

A vivid example of this technique is the successful short film "Wallace and Gromit" which can be watched on YouTube.

Types of Stop Motion

1. Cut Out Animation

Cut Out is an animation technique used to form an animation, the way of which is to make pieces of images that fit the desired shape. This animation was created using flat props and characters.

The background used is usually made of paper, cloth, or photos, depending on the needs as well. Currently this type is often produced by computer, which is usually done by scanning images.

2. Clay animation

This type of stop motion animation uses clay or clay or elastic materials that can be shaped, as a moving object. Clay or clay is usually transformed into the desired shapes.

Usually stop motion is a lot of use of this type. Animations using this clay include Gumby and Pokey, Chicken Run, and Corpse Bride.

3. Puppet Animation (Puppet/Doll)

This type of stop motion animation usually involves puppet or puppet characters or other figures which are simplifications of existing natural forms. The figure or doll is usually made of materials that are flexible (plastic) and easy to move when shooting frame by frame.

The materials that are usually used are wood that is easily carved, cloth, paper, clay, and so on, which can create a character that is not stiff.

4. Pixilation Animation

This type of stop motion animation uses live actors, where these live actors behave like puppets. Shooting is like in normal stop motion, the actor poses repeatedly for one or more captured frames and moves little by little to the next frame like a moving doll.

5. Graphic Animation

This variation of stop motion animation is a more conceptual variation than traditional flat-plane animation and cut-out stop motion animation. But technically this type of stop motion animation uses a photo or image as an animation object.

6. Object Animation

This type of stop motion animation uses objects such as dolls, cans, or blocks, where the objects used are not like clay which is easy to shape and soft.

7. Silhouette Animation / Silhoutte Animation

This type of stop motion is an animation that is cut out and assembled as a shadow (black) dark image. This technique was pioneered by Lotte German Reiniger. Currently animated silhouettes are still used as works of art.

Now it's clear what Stop Motion is, its history, and its types. If something is still unclear, you can ask in the comments section below.

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